On 12-14 November 2019, the annual workshop of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes took place. Members of the LIFE SWEAP team attended this workshop where they introduced the activities of the project and IMPEL’s work related to plastic waste and the Chinese waste import ban. Earler this year the Malaysian environmental authorities attended the IMPEL Waste&TFS conference in Bucharest, Romania, on behalf of the Asian Network.
Like European countries, Asian authorities are facing many similar challenges with illegal shipments and dumping of plastic waste and used electric and electronic equipment. Therefore the focus of the Asian workshop was on plastics and e-waste. It was clear that a strong collaboration is also needed within Asia to control a environmentally sound treatment and shipment of waste.
Key to the collaboration of Asian and European countries is the verification of waste destinations and the correct return of illegal transboundary movements of waste. THe LIFE SWEAP proposed a practical approach to make verification and data sharing possible.
As a result of the meeting already several verifications of recycling facilities were made possible and the project officers are working on the development of a joint action with GPS trackers. Also, the Asian Network agreed to come to the IMPEL Waste & TFS Conference that will take place in Malta in the last week of May 2020.